Friday, January 13, 2012

Some Thoughts On Sunday's String Recording

The arrangements are done and we're less than 48 hours until the string session. Just so we're all on the same page, I wanted to record the strings last February. Then an attempt to record them last May and June proved to be a no-go. This has been a long time in the making, and I'm excited for what they're going to add to the album.

There were a few songs on my first CD that I had would've been interested in exploring strings on - songs like "Hold On," "Man of War," and "Trains." But money proved the prohibitive factor 5 years ago. That CD cost less than $8,000 start to finish and its amazing that I was able to keep costs so low. This album won't be as cheap (as I laughably thought it would be), but the songs are worth the investment.

I'm spending time at the studio today to lay down a piano track for tomorrow and play with some drum edits. Also, to make sure the studio is cleaned, set up, and ready to go. Equipment cleared out. Rugs put down. Bringing guests into the studio requires a little work. But when I leave tonight I will not be back until about an hour before the session on Sunday, so I need to be ready to hit the ground running when the players get here.

And as I have been told I need to try to keep my stress level down. Not by a doctor, just friends.

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