Monday, January 31, 2011

Drum Editing & Beer

If you've never had the experience of cleaning and editing live drum tracks...I recommend that you avoid it. It's incredibly tedious and redundant, but sadly it's also incredibly effective and purposeful. You don't realize how much work is going to be involved when you say, "Alright, let's lay down the drum tracks for 16 tunes." And as everyone knows, it's always easier to add drum hits than to take them out. Have an out of time cymbal hit? Those overhead microphones are gonna kill you.

Luckily, there is one thing that helps with drum editing, as with any other monotonous activity: beer. And what's even better is beer that you made yourself. For Christmas, Seth's girlfriend gave him a brewing kit from Northern Brewer, along with the ingredients for an IPA (if you're interested in homebrewing, check them out - the instructional video was hilarious). We started brewing right before New Years, and we bottled about 2 weeks ago. Now, I'm not a big IPA fan, but this stuff is good. Sadly, we only made 5 gallons worth, which filled only 48 bottles. Seth is already talking about upgrading from the 5 gallon bucket to the 14-gallon fermentor, but maybe we should make a few more batches before he goes all out. For the next one, he's thinking an Irish Red.

And the drum editing continues.

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